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How to Ease Your Burden as a Parent of a Child with Disabilities

If your child has life-altering disabilities, you’re under stress to care for them. you’re under stress to advocate for them to get the services they need, and on top of that, you may have crushing medical bills to pay.

Do you need a way to ease the burden so you can live without worry about medical debts and life expenses?

For parents of children with disabilities—both underage and adult children—you can seek disability benefits for children through Social Security Disability.

Social Security runs disability benefit programs relating to children under 18 or adult children of parents who qualify:

  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI) has benefits for minor children who have health impairments and families who qualify financially.
  • Disabled Adult Child benefits under Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) help grown children with qualifying disabilities whose parents have a record of paying taxes into the Social Security system.

The rules to receive these benefits are a complicated tangle.

But you can get help from people with experience—the Alabama disability lawyers at Clarkson Pennington Law.

We’ve helped thousands of Alabamians secure benefits for more comfortable lives.

Talk to us about what might be available to you in Birmingham, Gadsden, Montgomery, Mobile, all of North Alabama, the Black Belt, the Gulf Coast, and in Chattanooga, across Tennessee and the entire Southeast.

Adult male with down syndrome smiling.

Disabled Adult Child Benefits: How to Qualify

Even after your child reaches adulthood, they may be eligible for another kind of disability benefits under SSDI.

SSDI is for people who worked and paid into the Social Security system. Unlike SSI, it doesn’t have limits on your financial means, other than your ability to work. You could have savings, property and investments, but you must be unable to work.

If you as a parent have enough Social Security credits from working, your adult child whose health problems began in youth could receive disability benefits based on your earnings record.

Your child, after all, has never had the chance to work and get credit in the Social Security system.

The basics:

  • Your adult child’s disability must have begun before they were 22.
  • Your adult child must have qualifying health impairments and can’t work.
  • Your child has never been married (unless their spouse also received disability benefits).
  • Your child has never been gainfully employed.
  • At least one of their parents must be receiving either Social Security Disability or retirement benefits.
  • Or your adult child can qualify if a parent who was eligible has died.

Once the benefits (including monthly checks) begin, they can continue as long as your child remains unable to work due to health problems.

If your child marries someone who doesn’t qualify for disability benefits, then their benefits may stop.

And if your adult child previously worked enough for Social Security to consider it a substantial amount, they won’t be eligible for this particular benefit.

A disability lawyer from Clarkson Pennington can get you and your child through this process and into a more secure situation.

You pay no fee for your disability attorney until you win benefits.

Get in touch with us right away to start protecting your family’s financial future.

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Do You Have Questions About Social Security Disability?

Social Security Disability is a huge, complicated program that often doesn’t seem like it cares much about you and your needs. Can’t get answers to your questions? Your disability attorney from Clarkson Pennington Law is the one who truly cares and guides you. Talk to us.

Common Questions About SSD »
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